at sixty dollars for 34 dry ounces, plus nineteen for shipping, this stuff better work!!!!!!
I must say, all the fish look better...we did lose one little guy....but he was a runt...sorta malformed...all last year we kept expecting him to go belly-up...never did...till this mess got him....
He's now making a beautiful patch of lillies very happy, and healthy, I hope...
It turned out we had white/grey fungus, cotto fungus, hemorrhagic septicemia. fin rot, tail rot, several open bacterial lesions, and bladder disease....all going at once...not every fish had/has every problem, and all of them are improving...'cept the dead one....
But we had to drop the water volume by half....we have about a 2400 gal pond....we actually measured it for this medication....but because it is so expensive we halved the water....then did a 25% exchange....treated the water...waited four days, did another 25% exchange and retreated it....
Everyone's color is getting closer to normal....everyone has a voracious appetite....Big Blue is again eating from my hand....
No one is swimming upside down.....
Friday we're going to add a couple hundred gals of fresh water and put some plants back and see how things go....
Tai is arriving on Thurs. night so......Lord!....I hope things are more 'normal' this visit...
Josh and David have both been home since last Thurs......they both, along with Big Mike, got caught climbing without using their safety they are laid off till next week...and I'm close to homicidal.....
Can you imagine????....500+ feet up a tower without a safety line??????'s one of those things a mother should never know about!!!!!
Tomorrow night I'm going out to dinner!!!!!.....I almost never go out, 'cept when I'm traveling for my job...but tomorrow is my neighbor's fiftieth b'day and another friend and I are taking her out!!!!....Whoopee!!!! all my years I've never been out on a "girl's night out'...always struck me as kind of hokey...but I'm really looking forward to it...we're going to a local place...The Willow Tree...named for a huge old weeping willow out behind the place...which is in an old victorian home...overlooking McMichael's Creek...we're going to sit outside on the deck over the creek and drink and eat and be completely silly.....
And this would be my friend Sherri......the one who is joining me in taking Rosemary out....we've also asked Ryan to join us...Ryan is one of Sherri's 'adoptees'...she is also a collector of lost boys and needy folk.....and Ryan is great we're making him an honorary 'one of the girls' for the evening....
So.....all is well in life....the fish are mending...I'm going out.....the days are warm....
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