A few days ago, when I started writing this blog in earnest, I asked my new friends in the FLDS community to suggest things I could write about. I asked them to tell me what things they would like to see people have a different than the popular perspective on.
Last evening I got a note from a friend. She said, tell people about our "brainwashing". Tell them how we are so lost without our husbands, that when most of them are gone from town working, for weeks at a time, we all just fall apart!
Of course, she was being sarcastic! Yet pointing out a very real truism, these days. Many of the men in the FLDS community work in various aspects of the building and construction industry. With the recession and decline in those industries, the men often have to travel long distances, for weeks at a time, to stay employed. That leaves the women at home, keeping things going...making sure that life is held together for the children. Making sure the small businesses some own and operate keep going. Making sure the groceries are bought, the bills are paid, the prayers are said, appointments are kept, schooling continues, the repairs are done....
And for many, this means helping with all of these things while keeping their own jobs amidst this awful recession. Many FLDS women have jobs outside the home, as well as their responsibilities in the home.
Their lives are not terribly different than the millions of other American families struggling and making changes, just to get through these hard times. And just as with the millions of the rest of us, these women are the backbone of the home. And just as the rest of us are being tested by these times, so are they. Stretching budgets and making do. Mending on top of mending, what would have been replaced, just a few months ago. Times are no easier for them, than for any of us. They are not robots, unaffected by the times.
My friend who wrote to me pointed out that with so many men out of town, "escaping" wouldn't be a problem. This is actually what she wrote: "We are so controlled that the men in general are never in town and if we wanted to we could escape at anytime and return unnoticed. =)"
Let me tell you a little about the women I have gotten to be friends with.....
Each of them are very bright. And each of them write wonderfully! Well, to be perfectly honest, one spells just like my son...it's in a sort of "new era shorthand"...she writes in the language of youth...an accommodation for the techno minded.....but she usually writes to me from her phone....and I'm resistant to this new language...so I usually have to have my son interpret what she is writing...
Each of them are funny! Oh my goodness, we write back and forth with tears running down our faces from laughing at our mutual stories of the vagaries of life in retrospect.....
And each of them reached out in friendship to me. When I began this journey, I didn't know these people, their names, and certainly not their email addresses. But they follow the news and the blogs, and they saw that I was struggling to learn without being judgmental, so they reached out...willing to befriend, share, learn, and teach....
And each of them are unique. Beautiful, smart, funny, unique women.
Some folks on other blogs would tell me these women I was getting to know and be friends with were actually FLDS men, creating a ruse. Pretending to be women to rope me in as a mouthpiece. Oh my goodness, did that ever make me laugh! A woman KNOWS another woman...just by the way we write, the topics we choose, the vantage point(s) we describe...the talk of children...it is subtle, sometimes even subliminal, but it is very definitely something men cannot fake!
Let me tell you a little about our sharing....
One woman was a truck driver, for years. Cross country trucking, not your local pick-up truck stuff. No way! We're talking big rig stuff...long trips, heavy work, wondrous adventures....
One woman helps run her family business. Two women I write back and forth with do not have biological children of their own, yet. They are mothering, and loving, and shedding tears over their children, yes, but they have not biologically had children. (Despite the common belief that all women are is 'baby makers') One woman can't stand cooking. Another loves gardening. Another loves teaching, creating wonderful learning projects.
Two pull out their hair finding ways to cope with boys with attention challenges. Another works at keeping up with her adolescent daughter who is a roller blade whiz!
A father has written to me about how proud he is of two of his daughters who both recently graduated from college and have promising careers on their horizons, along with the desire and intent of having wonderful, big families......
I don't know, I haven't asked, but somehow I don't think any of them place any importance on whether they have matching Tupperware in their kitchens, or not. They don't strike me as being in the market for Louis Vuitton (sp?) handbags. Although one mother and I shared the misery of the cost of Under Armor underwear for our men who work outside....
All of them keep up with national politics and issues, and discuss them with ease, and conviction!
Each of them have taken the time out of their very, very busy, full, gratifying lives to befriend me...and I'm not all that easy a person to befriend...*smile*...I've been known to be just a tad crotchety and abrasive, not to mention "intense"...but they have made time for me...and send me smiles and hugs when I need them....
These women are not robots! They work at "keeping sweet". They work at maintaining harmony and calm in their lives. All have some success and some failure at the equilibrium they strive toward.....
Each of them know full well that they have the choice to leave and live in the outside world. None of them feel they live a deprived or subjugated life. Each has chosen to live in their community, practice their faith the best that they can, love their children, love their neighbors, and even love their semi-heathen cyber-friend....
As saddened and angry as I am by the events of April 2008, I will always be grateful, too. Those events expanded my world. They brought wonderful new friends into my life. Those awful events actually opened many doors, for many people....As the saying goes;
The Lord works in strange and mysterious ways!
By the by...keep watching...my friends and I are collaborating on writing a piece about what "submitting" means for an FLDS woman. *smile* It's going to be an 'eye opener'! It isn't what you think!
8 years ago
I don't doubt you when you say they are an amazing group. I think that goes for any strong family.
The man might be the head of the family but he wouldn't be head of anything much if it wasn't for the women in his life that keep things going.
The idea that women in plural marriage are brainwashed is just so absurd. It wasn't true 150 years ago and it isn't true today.
I am fascinated by the FLDS people, and have a great respect for their beliefs, their devotion, and their conviction. Their belief in the family unit is enviable.
It saddens me that the media preys on the "bad seeds" in their group. I would like to hear more about the positive parts of the FLDS culture, because I know that it is not all about child brides and abuse.
I intend to follow your blog, hopefully to receive some more objective information in this light.
They are just so completely opposite of everything that people like Carolyn, or Flora describe....
Or when we saw the women from the YfZ Ranch on television! They were in absolute shock, back then...of course all they could do was appear almost robotic, or cry...there was no inbetween, no balance...their babies had been taken from them....I just cannot imagine!!!
And to have people judge them by that awful moment in time....
Jogger... I don't know about my blog...I've only just started writing about my friends...
But I understand what you're saying...sort of...I had the same attraction...but I can't explain it...I've stopped trying...I just go with it..
There are other really good blogs...
Truth Will Prevail
amongst others....both of the ones above have links on them to good ones....
Stay in touch....you'll find the FLDS to be wonderful teachers for those who want to learn!
If you read back on the comments on my blog about marriage, you'll find posts by "Rose", she's an FLDS woman who is a wonderful teacher......
This whole thing about the "brainwashed" women...after viewing photo essays of FLDS families, riding horses, picnics, using computers, driving trucks, reading their eloquent posts...then reading comments by the KS and other bigots engaging in hyperbole about how they are shut off from the outside world, the flds women are really men creating a ruse, they are "brainwashed" into believing their "terrible" lives are full of happiness...it is so surreal and makes me wonder if I am in some sort of strange netherworld when contrasting the nasty allegations made by the anti-plyg bigots and what I see and read of the actual lives of polygamist women.
This makes we wonder, who are the ones who are actually "brainwashed"?
Duane...Doesn't it make you laugh?
On the other hand...If someone could brainwash miserable folks into thinking they're happy, I wanna know where to find this person...fast!
Sounds pretty cool to me!!!!!!
You and your blog are just what the doctor ordered for revealing who the FLDS are.
I'm thrilled that Truth will soon be publishing the women's and children's stories - but you are doing a mighty work with sharing your friendship, knowledge, and revelation about this very private culture.
I think I know one reason it's a 'secret' society - because so many of us would want to join.... lol
Thanks, Regina, and thank you to all your FLDS friends who share so openly with you.
".and I'm not all that easy a person to befriend...*smile*...I've been known to be just a tad crotchety and abrasive, not to mention "intense".
hmmmm I can both argue and agree with that statement.
Sure love ya!
“We believe that women are useful, not only to sweep houses, wash dishes, make beds and raise babies, but they should stand behind the counter, study law or physic, or become good bookkeepers and be able to do the business in any counting house, and all this to enlarge their sphere of usefulness for the benefit of society at large. In following these things they but answer the design of their creation” (Brigham Young JD13:61)
This page on the the FLDS bountiful School site is pretty damning to those that accuse them of doing a poor education job.
Based on these results, the FLDS students are performing at a far higher level than the B.C. average. Unfortunately the bigots will still insist their schools are lousy no matter what the facts. Basically, they are turning the truth upside down with their propaganda.
I know why many of you left Brooke's blog, but personally I prefer posting on a thread full of bigots, I guess I'm more of an "in your face" type.
LOL! The word verification code I need to enter is "phrophit"
I tried to post earlier, but I don't see that it went through. I thank you for doing a wonderful job of presenting the FLDS and their feelings.
Please keep up the good work, it is an inspiration for us all.
Somewhere I read that when Barbara Jessop was asked about discipline she said that, from time to time, she'd give a child a "kick in the set of the pants". And one of the Kindred Spirits posted something about that being abusive...
Oh my goodness, I lughed till the tears ran down my face....
There was a time when I would have traded anything, including essential body parts, for half the calm that Barbara Jessop has...I love my children with all of my heart!
Eachand every one of them is a unique individual with wonderful qualities...And each and every one of them has had a tleast one wooden spoon broken over some part of their body...each and everyone of them have had my foot planted on their behinds, more than once....each of them have had their ear drums punctured by my voice reaching decibels the human voice wasn't intended to reach....
I know everyone has good and bad days. And I know every parent gets frustrated, at least once in awhile...but these mothers take the idea of remaining calm and loving with their children so seriously, and work at it so judiciously it is really amazing...but they manage to raise children who are calm adults, in so doing....
And they laugh and get silly and all the things mothers do...but they aren't ruffled, easily...I so envy that approach....
Sue, Thank you for your note!
As for problems posting; I've had that happen before, as well. I think when the Blogger server gets busy sometimes things go off into cyber space, never to be seen again....
Sorry...and thank you for coming back!
"The man that marries one of them has done an act of Christian charity...and the man that marries sixty of them has done a deed of open-handed generosity so sublime that the nations should stand uncovered in his presence and worship in silence."
-Mark Twain
Pliggy, to quote an old adversary of yours;
"Pliggy has a wicked sense of humor!"
Methinks you doth stir the pot!!!!!
I've been pushing this post around the bloggosphere, wherever I find the opportunity, nice work.
I never really thought of it before, Regina. I better call home quick and see if my wife has headed out!! (tee hee)
Cheese, you and Pliggy could do a comedy routine together!!!
Hugh, thank you! I just think we've got to use every opportunity to show folks that the FLDS are not terribly different in their everyday lives than anyone else...
Much damage has already been done to the jury pool...we have to try to tell the other side of the story....
People have to stop seeing monsters and see real people with real lives and real trials, loves, joys, etc....
Its really nice to see a blog with so much positive again. Thanks Regina for being a friend to some of the most misunderstood people. I'm so glad I got to know you.
And thank you everyone else who believes we really are normal people with the normal challenges of life.
This site is a breath of fresh air.
I can't begin to tell you how glad I am to have been able to meet you!
You are a wise and kind teacher! And a wonderful friend!
I just wish people could begin to see how we have so many more similarities than differences!
And I wish I had pixie dust to make some of the books and garbage go away that set this ugly tone!
Oh...Its okay, really. The Truth Will Prevail in the end. It takes time and a lot of patience for the truth to be known, but when it finally is known, well.... it will be a wonderful day. =)
By the way Regina, I think you are the Amazing Lady. =)
Rose...Oh my goodness!!!....I think someone slipped something into your tea!!!!...I'm about as amazing as snow in the winter....
I do thank you for the nice thoughts!!!
Snow is amazing.. =)
Ah, Regina,
You forget that a lot of us are from Southern Utah! We DO appreciate snow in the winter!
A beautiful winter wonderland is a rare sight around here, and is gone too fast.
I LOVE snow!
And I LOVE you!
Thank you for your efforts!=)
Alright, being convinced by some friends, I will post here now, as myself too. :) I never really posted on Brooke's blog, or any other's for that matter, to many angry individuals.
Regina I must say your entry's are wonderful. I to have conversed with some of the FLDS folks and they are so not the brainwashed individuals that you hear protrayed in the media.
Keep up the good work!!!
Isn't it amazing how the country just bought in, lock, stock, and barrel, the crap about being robots that Flora and Carolyn, and others put out there!
These women are just as complex and individual and wonderful as anyone else is!!!
And a heck of a lot more resilliant than I think I could be if I had to face the constant barage of discrimination!
I'm glad you posted. If for no other reason than letting the women in their community know that some of us just haven't bought the b.s.!!!
Thanks for the Welcome Regina.
I too will have to admit that they are alot more resilliant than I could ever hope to be. I think given their situation, I for one would not be able to 'Keep Sweet'. I am sure the words that would come out of my mouth to DFS would be enough to make Howard Stearn blush. ;)
Taylors, I'm betting you and I have similar vocabularies!
Love the picture of your puppy!
My vocabulary has gotten a whole lot worse since I started to work around a bunch of oilfield men/boys.
Yes she is a boxer she will be a year in March and she is extremely naughty and mischievious. She is my daughters puppy and they make a good fit. My other two are a heeler/cheasepeake mix and a Lhasa Apso.
One of the things that has struck me in reading bits and pieces of real, genuine bits of backstory on the FLDS families is how much the women remind me of military wives- we too have to take care of our families when our husbands work away from home, I didn't have 'sister wives,' but other military wives do support and encourage each other and share duties when our husbands are deployed to help each other out, and I recognize that common bond in the FLDS households.
My husband and I were married a year when he joined the Air Force, and he made it a 20 year career. He wasn't gone as often as some, but he was gone at least two months straight most years, and often for two week TDYs scattered through the year. He was the head of our house, yes, and the children and I love and respect him- but that love and respect is not compatible with sitting on my hands and putting my brain on hold.
Proverbs 31 says of a good woman that her husband can trust her and she does him good and not evil.
My husband, like most sensible men, believes I would be doing him a great evil to 'take care' of the home in his absence by being a zombie who can't do a single thing without asking permission first. He needed me to be able to handle things at home, to take care of family finances, to feed my family, provide for their medical and education needs, etc, etc, etc- and I don't see why this would be different for a man with a larger family and several wives who almost must sometimes work away from home.
Oops, that last sentence should read "ALSO must sometimes work away from home," not 'almost.'
My fingers do strange things sometimes.
Its great that the FLDS women have given us another venue in which to view their lives. I have to wonder who wrote it and who approved it.
Sorry but to this psychologist, I see nothing but script and quite frankly, nothing was mentioned about sexual molestation and rape of children, not to mention abuse.
What gives?
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