I've never understood abject hatred.
I see it all the time. One person hating another, or a group. Usually for something really stupid. Like how they dress, or what color they are. Or their religion.
I learned about how awful hate is along time ago....
My step-mother was extremely abusive to my sister and I. My father failed to protect us. It really was pretty awful . And I was so full of hate.....but after awhile I realized that there wasn't anything but the hate. It took up so much room. So I consciously worked at remembering some of the good things that came out of my childhood. and then I looked at 'why' my parents behaved the way they did...and as wrong as it was, I started to understand how they came to be who they were. Their make-up was inevitable....and I stopped hating them and just felt sorry for how limited their lives were....
And what a release it was for me. I had so much room for good stuff in myself....I'd never realized how holding on to so much hatred affected everything I was.....until it was gone!!!!
I see this kind of senseless, irrational hatred on the blogs. There are people who simply want to hate the FLDS. Doesn't matter How often you present them with corrections to popular beliefs, they have just decided to hate.
It makes no sense to me. It just always seems to me easier to like people than dislike them. People aren't perfect. Everyone I know makes mistakes from time to time. But mistakes aren't the end of the world...and most people, if they find that something they are doing hurts someone else, they find ways to change what they're doing.
It just makes good sense. And most people have pretty good sense.
But these haters....boy, I just don't get it...
They say the ugliest, cruelest things. Without care for the readers. They ignore the fact that real live human beings are behind these posts. I've watched them write the most hateful things....things they would never say in "real life", to anyone....so why is it okay to type this crap in a blog?
Because they choose to be anonymous? Does that make them any less responsible when they hurt another person? How miserable these people must be in their own souls....how empty....
I can't imagine going through life without empathy and sympathy....and the joys of having friends....and the good feeling that comes with knowing I am trustworthy....
And the friends I have made in life because I tried very hard to not judge....and it does take lots of effort, sometimes...but the effort is so worth it....my life is so much richer for it....
I can only hope I have passed this on to my boys......
8 years ago
Keep shining your light 8o) You are sooo right and I love reading your thoughtful and wise comments. You're making some of us THINK and that's a good thing. For that, I thank you.
With those who have closed their minds and chosen to hate, however, I'm afraid you're wasting your time and energy.
Thank you so much!!!!!!
That was really good. You should sent that in as a letter to the editor at gosanangelo.com or sltrib.com.
I'm going to put up a link to this post over on FACT.
I know how you feel about John Lester but this is really good and I want all of our members to read this. There are nearly 80 I think.
(Yep, I just couldn't stay away. I love the debates that go on over there.)
Thanks Dale!
It's all good....usually....
This gives us all pause to think.
You are a great hearted person, I can tell that very easily. You have personally felt the hatred of those who hate the FLDS, merely because you want to understand. And you have not caved to retaliation, that shows your magnanimity. You are worth emulation.
Hate always comes from fear, and if you can trust God and not man, fear subsides. If fear is gone, hate is gone. There you have the faithful; for faith is the opposite of fear.
Those who hate are pitiful, indeed, and yet to pity them makes them hate more, and even more pitiful. The problem is the more they hate, the louder they get, and those who have no idea who they really are want to listen to them because the "story" is interesting. Thus come more converted haters.
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